In Project Management, Transmittals are cover sheets to be sent with documents pertaining to the project, such as Submittals, RFIs and meeting minutes. A Transmittal gives the receiver information as to which type of document is following it and what the receiver needs to do with the documents.
This section will show you how to create Transmittals, as well as attach documents, view them and send them to one or more recipients.
Definition of Terms
A transmittal is an electronic or paper cover sheet sent to your contacts in order to provide details of the documents or items following it. The items may consist of drawings, samples, RFIs, meeting minutes or change requests. The Transmittal will usually include a description of these items and instructions for what the receiver is required to do with them.
Components of a Transmittal
All of the components of a Transmittal can be seen drop down menu and full screen in the images below.
Transmittals contain the generic document items of Activities, Closed Activities, Audit History and Send To (for more information see Chapter 2, 2.0), along with the following components:
The information section contains three expandable menus to input information about the Transmittal: General, Additional and Notes.
The general menu contains areas to input the following information:
Job: As each Transmittal is created under a particular Job, IPM automatically inputs the Job name for you
Number: If this is the first Transmittal for that Job, IPM will automatically assign the Transmittal Number as job number-0001. If there are already Transmittals entered under that particular Job, IPM will assign the Transmittal Number to the next number in the sequence
Subject: A brief description of the Transmittal
Date: This will auto fill to today’s date
Items following the Transmittal: You can checkbox each item that is following the Transmittal, or type into the Other section any that do not appear in the list
Remarks: Input any remarks about the Transmittal items, as well as instructions for the receiver.
The additional tab allows you to provide reasons why the items are being transmitted and instructions for the receiver by checking the appropriate boxes under THESE ARE TRANSMITTED.
The notes menu allows you to add any further notes to your Transmittal.
The Items section is where you attach all the information to follow the Transmittal, such as drawings, Submittals, meeting minutes or change requests.